Contact CST

We are anxiously awaiting your ideas for your venture into the internet. Here at CST we are working hard to satisfy our

clients. Should you have any questions about becoming part of the internet to put your information or your products online

do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Give us a call. Leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Thank you. We emply a message filtering system so you can leave a message for us to return your calls.

Email: Tel - 254.350.1235
Copyright 2002-2024  Computer Systems Technology   All rights reserved NETWORKS

Contact CST

We are anxiously awaiting your ideas for your venture into the internet.

Here at CST we are working hard to satisfy our clients. Should you have

any questions about becoming part of the internet to put your informa-

tion or your products online do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Give

us a call. Leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Thank you. We emply a message filtering system so you can leave a mes-

sage for us to return your calls.

Email: Tel - 254.350.1235
Copyright 2002-2024  Computer Systems Technology   All rights reserved

Contact CST

We are anxiously awaiting your ideas

for your venture into the internet.

Here at CST we are working hard to

satisfy our clients. Should you have any

questions about becoming part of the

internet to put your information or your

products online do not hesitate to get

in touch with us. Give us a call. Leave a

message and we will return your call as

soon as possible. Thank you. We emply

a message filtering system so you can

leave a message for us to return your


Email: Tel - 254.350.1235
Copyright 2002-2024 Computer Systems Technology All rights reserved